Translators Meet & Share - April 2024

The EMWA Translators subgroup (part of the MedComms SIG) is having its first Meet & Share! Join us on 18th April, 11am - 12:30 CET. At this Meet & Share we will be joined by authors of articles from the March MW issue on translation. Authors will talk about their articles, their perspectives on the translation landscape, and explore further aspects of their topics. There will be a Q&A after the panel, where attendees can ask questions and share their own experiences. A great opportunity to 'get to know' our authors. You don't have to be a translator to attend! Everyone is welcome. If you're interested in translation, interpreting or work with languages in general then this Meet & Share is for you.
4/18/2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
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