Regulatory | Quality | Pharma | MedTech | Biotech | AgTech | Content Writing
Ekrity Limited

Dr. Jennifer Bell
Freelancer Address


Basic Information

Academia, Clinical Research, Education, Education Technology, Industry, Innovation, Quality, Scientific, Technical
Animal, Cells, Environment, Genes, Health Economics, Human, Pain, Proteins, Rare Diseases
Medical, Pharma
Copywriter, Editing, Marketing, Medical Communications, Medical Writing, Proofreading

Connect With Me

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Skills Subjects and Other Information

I am a “go-to” person for regulatory, scientific, and technical support. Much of what I do is “outside the box.” I see the big picture and connect dots because of my broad industry, biotechnology, and life science experience.
Skills & Services
I have a variety of clients, and my work includes:

- Helping marketing teams with technical terminology
- Helping to prepare reports and CTD sections for regulatory submissions
- Preparing quality management audit and operations templates
- Responding to regulatory intelligence requests
- Reviewing medical affairs slide decks
- Verifying regulatory and scientific information already in possession by my clients
- Writing white papers for my clients
- Preparing education and creative content

From 2010 to 2018, my compliance-related roles were in the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors (including diagnostics). These sectors focus on human and animal health. My experience transfers to environment-related sectors (e.g., AgBiotech), including agriculture and food production. My GCP, GMP, and ISO work gives me an understanding of compliance. ICH is important to human health, and VICH is important to animal health. One Health addresses animal-human-environment interface health threats.

Some environmental subjects I relate to are:

- Agriculture
- Animal Health
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Crop spoilage
- Environmental health
- Food production
- Gene pools
- Global regulations, compliance, and quality management
- GMO crops (e.g., introducing genes for microbial-resistant and salt-tolerant crops)
- Grassland management
- One Health
- Zoonoses
My life science education includes:

- PhD in molecular microbiology (genes and proteins)
- MSc in pharmaceutical manufacturing technology (EU Qualified Person course)
- BSc in animal biology
- HND in horse studies
My company is VAT registered and I have industry insurance.

Please contact me if you need help with anything.