55th EMWA Conference (non-members)

Please note this registration is for non-members only. If you are an EMWA member please use the alternative registration link to benefit from member only rates. To begin your registration, you should first create an account and then click 'Register Myself' below. Booking for this event assumes that: I give permission to EMWA for photographs of me to be captured and used in printed and electronic media, including the internet, for promotional purposes. I understand that some images or recordings may be selected for permanent preservation in the EMWA archives and may be used for publication, broadcasting, public performance, displays and exhibitions. I am happy with the contact details provided to be used to provide registration confirmations and further details about this event. I am happy for my name, title and organisation to be included in a delegate list that will be made available to other delegates, speakers and exhibitors I am happy for my biography along with name and organisation to be used on conference programme materials. If you do not consent to any of the above please inform the organisers by email prior to the event.
5/9/2023 4:00 PM - 5/12/2023 5:00 PM
Clarion Congress Hotel CZ- Prague Czech Republic



Wednesday, 10 May 2023

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
9:00 AM

This seminar provides information on predatory publishing and predatory-safe medical writing practices. Practical aspects are highlighted by discussing real cases and sharing of approaches to avoid publication scams. Topics to be covered are: Origins of open access publishing and current landscape Key elements of publication ethics (peer review; conflict of interest; etc…) including Good Publication Practice Definition of predatory publishing, predatory journals, hijacked journals Presentation and introduction of checklists to identify predatory publishers Advice to develop predatory-safe medical writing processes The recent spread of predatory conferences and the rise of predatory medical communication agencies (med-comms) Participants are invited to share their experiences either in advance or at the session. In preparation, participants are encouraged to read the following article: http://journal.emwa.org/trends-in-medical-writing/predatory-publishing-what-medical-communicators-need-to-know/article/4945/predatory-publishing-what-medical-communicators-need-to-know.pdf
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
12:15 PM

1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
1:30 PM

Thursday, 11 May 2023

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:00 AM

Friday, 12 May 2023

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
9:00 AM

1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
1:30 PM

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
5:00 PM

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