EMWA Webinar - Freelancing - the "A to Z" - my experiences

13:00 CET From A, like “acquisition of projects/clients”, over to B, like “budgeting”, and C, like “cooperation with other freelancers”, we will go through a number of general questions and issues any freelancer has to address and/or solve for themselves. I will try to answer questions about what information a freelancer needs in the scope of a project, how to create a quotation (potential clauses to include and how to mitigate risk of further requests), how to estimate a project in terms of time and timelines, what to include in a contract, insurance and where to get it (and if you need it), managing payments and schedules, and performance assessments. Target audience: Freelance Medical Writers or Medical Writers who might consider going freelance Previous knowledge required: None.
20/06/2024 12:00 - 13:00

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