EMWA Webinar - Patient Advocates: The Newest Stakeholders

13:00 CET As healthcare gradually evolves from “Doctor knows best,” patient advocates have adopted “Nothing about us without us!” as their rallying cry to bring patient-centricity to the forefront of medical research. As it turns out, including the patient/caregiver perspective benefits other stakeholders at multiple steps of the drug or device development process. Medical writers can play a critical role in many facets including (but not limited to) preparing disease awareness materials, capturing feedback at patient advisory boards, gaining patient/caregiver insight when writing clinical trial protocols, and including patient advocates as authors in publications. This webinar will introduce patient advocacy and share examples to provide tools and insights that medical writers may find useful for incorporating the patient’s/caregiver’s voice into our collective efforts to advance healthcare.
18/07/2024 12:00 - 13:00

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